Here are some of the pictures taken from the first battle of our campaign.
The day saw some intense fighting when Hohenzollerns Koprs clashed with Davouts Corps
It was a close battle that stopped suddenly as the thunderstorm arrived early and ended the days fight in a draw.
There was fought some bloody bayonet battles, fierce artillery bombardments. Both Generals tried to outflank their enemy and on both sides there where good tactical decisions.¨
General de division St. Hillaire got wounded when he led the 57emé ligne in a charge against the Austrians at Buchberg
The Austrian army no longer benefits from the good spirits that followed them when they started their advance.
The Austrian view from Buchberg towards the N. Here the advance guard (Grenzer, Hussars and a cavalry Battery) tries to pin down the French.
Austrian reinforcements, Division Lusignan, rush foward.
Another view from the Buchberg.
Austrians at Haussenberg
More of Lusignans Division.
French voltigeurs try to disrupt the Austrian rear.
Battle of Buchberg. Ends with the French taking the ground after a heroic charge led by General de division St. Hillaire.
View from Haussenerberg after the french has taken Buchberg and the french skirmishers succeed in delaying the Austrian reinforcements.
Final push just before the thunderstorm sets in.